
February 29 to March 1, 2024 –


Per the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s (DSWD) Administrative Order No. 01 series of 2018 or the Functional Structure of DSWD Field Offices, the Capacity Building Section is mandated to enhance the competencies of the DSWD intermediaries and stakeholders in performing and achieving its goals as lead in the social welfare and social protection. Specifically, CBS is directed to implement capability building interventions to DSWD staff and partner.

Now, the Institutional Development and Capability Building (IDCB) Focal Persons, are the internal partner of the CBS to facilitate the monitoring and implementation of IDCB activities in their respective offices and in the preparation of IDCB Plan, activity proposals, and accomplishment reports. While the KM Team is responsible for conducting and initial review and providing technical inputs of the documented practice in terms of its form and content using the Identification Criteria and Good Practice Documentation Format. Therefore, for the to be able to perform their delegated functions, there is a need to capacitate them and improve their communication skills

This activity aimed to have a unified manner and form them to clearly and effectively communicate with the DSWD internal and external partners, they must be trained in technical writing using the DSWD Handbook of Style

The handbook was developed to set the standards for writing and editing and to improve the quality and ensure the consistency of the DSWD documents such as memorandum, executive summary, articles, publications training proposal, design, and reports among others