
social welfare and development learning network

A learning network providing accessible, relevant, and quality Social Welfare and Development (SWD) capacity-building programs

The shift of the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s – a mandate from direct service provider to enablers of intermediaries requires the provision of technical assistance, to effectively implement programs, projects, and services that will alleviate poverty and empower disadvantaged individuals, families, and communities for improved quality of life. The DSWD’s intermediaries include National Government Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), People’s Organizations (POs), and other members of civil society. The bulk of these technical assistance responsibilities consist of capability building of intermediaries to ensure quality service delivery. 

The Social Welfare Institutional Development Bureau (SWDIB), the training arm of the department is responsible for the development of organizational development and capability-building framework and responsible for the establishment of networks and linkages. In recognition of the vital role of the NGAs, LGUs, and NGOs and also in response to growing demands for capability building, there is a great need for the DSWD through SWIDB, to maximize the existing resources in the environment through a network of learning institutions. 

partners from national government agencies

National Economic and Development Authority

Department of Interior and Local Government

Office of Civil Defense

Department of Health

Department of Education

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority


Eastern Visayas Network for NGOs and POs

Philippine National Red Cross

Plan International


The College of Maasin

University of the Philippines Tacloban Campus

Eastern Samar State University

Eastern Visayas State University

Leyte Normal University

Saint Paul School of Professional Studies


  1. Assist in the formulation, implementation and review of policies, plans and programs of the Network especially with reference to upgrading professional practice, enhancing agency programs and        continuing professional education;

  2. Assist in the development of standard and specialized capability building modules/programs and participate in pilot testing them;
  3. Share/offer existing training modules, technical expertise, facilities and other resources at agreed upon cost for capability building programs of the Social Welfare and Development Learning Network (SWDL-Net);
  4. Participate in the conduct of training needs analysis (TNA), researches, monitoring and evaluation of the Social welfare and Development Learning Network’s (SWDL-Net) programs as well as                    religiously attend meetings and other organizational development activities of the Social Welfare an Development Learning Network (SWDL-Net);
  5. Act as conduit organizations for possible funding of the Social Welfare and Development Learning Network (SWDL-Net) Program and Activities; and
  6. Participate in sustaining/strengthening the Social Welfare and Development Learning Network.