In the 2010 Performance Assessment conducted this week at the Field Office, Region Eight got an over-all OUTSTANDING rating of 6.26, with Undersecretary Celia Yangco and Assistant Secretary Carmelo Gudmalin administering the appraisal.
“If it’s got to be, it’s up to me! It’s got to be good, it’s got to be with me!” These were the encouraging words coming from the Undersecretary, before close to thirty senior staff present during said evaluation.
Among the programs, projects, and services which scored highest were the KALAHI-CIDSS, SEA-K livelihood program, crisis intervention services, assessment of Day Care Centers, licensing of social welfare agencies, and project partnerships through fund transfers, technical assistance or resource sharing.
Yangco, however, pointed out the need for coming up with a very responsive and relevant regional situationer on social welfare and development so planning will be purposeful and meaningful. “Your situationer is your bible. You are the authority for Region Eight as you can see the realities on the ground.”
The visiting Undersecretary further underscored the importance of the situationer, relating to the Department’s mandate of providing assistance to local government units, non-government organizations, other national government agencies, people’s organizations, and other members of civil society in effectively implementing programs, projects and services that will alleviate poverty and empower disadvantaged individuals, families and communities for an improved quality of life. With the situationer, the official said, the local government units will know what problems to address and the interventions will be purposive.
DSWD Field Office Eight Director Leticia Corillo, meanwhile, made this opportunity to thank the agency’s partners and encouraged more to join in the Department’s pursuit for greater transparency in fighting corruption and poverty. “The excellent performance is a challenge to do better,” she said.