Reception and Study Center for Children (RSCC) is a child caring institution which provides temporary shelter to children aged 0-6 years
old who are:
- Abandoned
- Abused
- Surrendered
- Orphaned
- Neglected or exploited.
This center was formally opened on August 1, 1989 with its legal base – P.D. 603 known as the Child & Youth Welfare Code, on Article 136 which mandates the establishment of Regional Child Welfare Agencies.
Programs & Services:
- Social Services:
Provision of case management/casework & counseling services to find out if the child is for placement (adoption) or eventual return to his/her family.
- Home life Services:
Provision of substitute parental love, care & attention, as well as basic needs, training of children on personal care & proper health habits.
- Health Services:
Provision of physical check-up, medication, dental care & hospital services when needed; also baby care, immunization as well as growth monitoring of children. Other related services include psychological testing, evaluation & treatment.
- Dietetics Services:
Provision of well-balanced diet & modified diet for sick and malnourished children, and conduct of monthly weighing and mass deworming.
- Educational Services:
Provision of formal education to children; conduct of Day Care sessions & educational field trips.
- Spiritual Enhancement/Value Formation Services:
Regular holding of Holy Masses and Baptisms; conduct of Catechism classes, Bible Story Telling & other religious activities geared towards spiritual development as well as character building activities.
- Recreational & Cultural Activities:
Conduct of supervised play, educational field trips and outings, watching selected television programs, educational VCD, tapes, and celebration of children’s birthdays & other special occasions (Christmas & New Year).
- Training:
RSCC also serves as training ground for volunteers, Social Work students, nurses, midwives & other students or workers of related disciplines, subject to the rules & regulations of the agency.
Admission Requirements:
- Referral Letter
- Social case Study Report
- Birth Certificate
- Declaration of Abandonment for Abandoned Children
- Deed of Voluntary Commitment for Surrendered Children
- Death Certificate of natural parents for orphaned children
Admission Procedures:
All referrals are directed to the Centers Social Services Unit.
The following are the intake procedures:
- The decision to admit the child to the center is determined by the Social Worker as
per intake interview of the referred client and the case study and other documents
submitted by the referring Social Worker. - If found eligible, the child shall be referred to the nurse to determine the childs health
status & needs upon admission.
Specific procedures of admission for the following categories:
A) For Abandoned Children:
- Abandoned children in hospitals and in the community should be referred to the Local
Social Welfare & Development Officer or to the Crisis Intervention Unit (CIU) of the
DSWD, FO 8 prior to admission to RSCC so that necessary documents could be
prepared, and to determine whether or not the child could be referred immediately for
Foster Care. - The Local Social Welfare Officer or the Social Worker of CIU or Hospital Social Worker
shall refer the child in writing and submit the referral letter to RSCC together with the
following documents:- Certified True Copy of the child Birth Certificate or Certificate of Foundling.
- Recent Medical Certificate of the Child or medical history and present health
status of the child (for those abandoned in the hospital). - Case Study Report, including the evidences of the efforts exerted by the referring
party to contact the parents, relatives or guardian. Whenever possible, the
process of preparing the child for transfer/separation shall be undertaken and
B) For Children whose families are in Financial, Social and Emotional Crisis Situation:
- Client should go to the Local Social Welfare Office or Crisis Intervention Unit of DSWD
FO 8 for intake, assessment and possible assistance and counseling. - Children needing temporary care & attention should be referred to RSCC.
- The Social Worker of LGU or Crisis Intervention Unit should submit a Case Summary
Report, Certified True Copy of the Certificate of Live Birth, recent Medical Certificate
& other pertinent documents of the child. - Clients for admission to the Center should be accompanied by a Social Worker and
should bring the above-mentioned documents. - Whenever possible, the process of preparing the child for the transfer/separation from
his/her family or guardian, shall be undertaken and recorded.
C) For Surrendered Children:
- Clients should go to the Social Worker of LGU or Crisis Intervention Unit of DSWD FO
8 for intake, assessment & possible assistance and counseling. - Children needing hospitalization should be referred to the hospital for treatment prior
to referral to RSCC. - Whenever possible, process of preparing the child and his/her family prior to the transfer / separation shall be undertaken and recorded.
- Clients for admission to the center should be accompanied by the Social Worker and
should bring the required documents. - Four (4) copies of Deed of Voluntary Commitment in the case of an illegitimate child,
including evidence of counseling done to assist parents in deciding the best interest
of the child, must be submitted to RSCC.
- For a legitimate child, biological parents should sign the Deed of Voluntary
Commitment. This document must be duly notarized.- In the event of death of parent, a Certified True Copy of the Death Certificate
should be submitted to RSCC. - In case the parent is confined in an institution (mental/correctional/sanitarium)
or an outpatient, a Certification from the attending physician or authorization
shall be submitted re: competence of parent or certification from the jail warden
where the parent is detained. - In cases where a parent deserted home, the remaining parent should execute
an affidavit duly notarized stating the facts of desertion and the specified period
of time.
- In the event of death of parent, a Certified True Copy of the Death Certificate
D) Emergency Referrals:
For Pick-up and Foundling Children:
- Referring Party should go to the Social Workers of LGU or Crisis Intervention Unit of
DSWD FO 8 for intake, assessment and assistance. - A referral letter coming from the referring Social Worker, together with a Case Summary
and other available documents should be submitted to RSCC. The referring Social
Worker should facilitate the taking of affidavit of the finder and submit the same to the
Local Civil
Registrars Office of the place where the child was found. - A Foundling child should be submitted for physical and medical examination. Original
copy of the Medical Certificate shall be submitted to RSCC upon admission. - In case of pick-up children, a Certification executed by the person who found the child,
reflecting the place, the day and the time the child was found should be submitted. - The case should be reported to the nearest Police Station and Brgy. Officials where the
child was found.
Social Welfare Officer II
Pawing, Palo, Leyte
(053) 323-2666