Haven for Women (HFW) is a center which provides temporary shelter and protection to women who are victims of abuses and exploitation. It helps women in especially difficult circumstances resolve their problems and restore their normal functioning. It also helps women regain their self-worth and dignity through the provision of protective and rehabilitative services. It operates 24-hours a day, Sunday to Monday.
Target Clientele:
Women in especially difficult circumstances who are marginalized and disadvantaged, 18-59 years old and victims of incest, rape and other forms of exploitation such as battered/abused, victims of illegal recruitment, involuntary/forced prostitution, armed conflict, women in detention, strandees and abandoned women. Women who are less than 18 years old may be accepted if they are pregnant upon admission.
Services Offered
- Residential care services
- Medical services
- Psychological test
- Maternal and child care skills development
- Spiritual upliftment
- Livelihood skills development
- Legal services
- Formal and non-formal education
- Case/family conferences
Admission Requirements:
- Social Case Study Report (Prepared by the LGU or NGO Social Workers)
- Medical Certificate
- Referral Letter (Prepared by LGU/NGO Social Workers)
- Birth Certificate/Baptismal Certificate
- School Record (Form 138 and/or Certificate of Good Moral Character)
- Court-Related Documents (Clients Statement of the Case of Good Moral Character)
- Other Requirements – Psychiatric Evaluation
How can you be of help?
Donations from generous individuals and institutions are most welcome and accepted.
Social Welfare Officer III
Pawing, Palo, Leyte
(053) 323-2872