Ms Alejandra Catalon, President, Solo Parents' Organization of DSWDF08, guests on Akos Ko an Pagbag-o and explained Republic Act No. 8972, the Solo Parent Act.
Ms Alejandra Catalon, President, Solo Parents’ Organization of DSWDF08, guests on Akos Ko an Pagbag-o. She’s with co-anchor Ms Grace V. Sudario, SMO for Disaster and Mr. Eduard Sanaga, the show’s host.

Ms Alejandra Catalon, President, Solo Parents’ Organization of DSWD Field Office VIII, guested on the agency’s sponsored radio program, Akos ko an Pagbag-o, and explained Republic Act No. 8972, the Solo Parent Act. She said it’s an act providing for benefits and privileges to solo parents and their children. Ms Catalon is also PIO and member of the Board of Trustees, Federation of Solo Parents Luzvimin Inc.-United Solo Parents of the Philippines (USPP). She elaborated about the Solo Parent Act, who the solo parent is, and that municipalities should start building their Solo Parent organizations in order for those qualified to avail of benefits.