LOOK: The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office-8, through its Risk Resiliency Program Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (RRP-CCAM), conducted a simultaneous orientation of PROJECT LAWA AT BINHI (Local Adaptation to Water Access and Breaking Insufficiency through Nutritious Harvest for the Impoverished) for 10 Local Government Units in the Province of Samar.
A total of 3,288 partner-beneficiaries coming from the municipalities of Calbayog City, Matuguinao, Gandara, San Jorge, Catbalogan City, Jiabong, San Jose de Buan, Calbiga, Sta. Rita and Basey have undergone comprehensive training encompassing Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation.
The twin projects (LAWA at BINHI) are designed to address water scarcity and increase food production through sustainable farming practices.
The successful implementation of the said project demonstrates the collaborative efforts exerted between the Local Government Unit and National Agencies in uplifting the livelihoods of the impoverished.