DSWD Region VIII is now in full preparation mode for the distribution of the Emergency Subsidy for waitlisted beneficiaries of the Social Amelioration Program (SAP). Just recently, DSWD staff from various programs and sections rendered overtime duty to encode the Social Amelioration Cards (SAC). Working almost up to midnight, these staff encoded the data submitted from various municipalities in Region VIII, as an augmentation to the encoding efforts already being conducted by the Local Government Units.

In addition to encoding, DSWD continues to encourage the LGUs to submit their documents to the Accounting Department to be able to process liquidation. As of today, 126 out of 143 LGUs have already completed liquidation. According to DSWD Region Director Marie Angela Gopalan, “several LGUs are encountering challenges, especially since some of these are on lockdown, and also because of the rising cases of COVID in the Region.”

Despite these challenges, DSWD continues to work to deliver the Emergency Subsidy to the poorest of the poor here in Region VIII. Although there is no tentative date yet, DSWD is pushing to distribute the Emergency Subsidy by this month.


photo credits: Clarito Logronio
Natividad Sequito
Kenny Unay